V-STAY Goals
Due to my 1.5 hours wait so far to board the airplane, I do not quite understand why China Airlines said to arrive 3 hours before the flight. In any case, it has given me the opportunity to write down some of my goals for this journey.
Here are a few of my personal goals for the V-STAY program and how I hope to evolve during this experience:
1. I would like to make lifelong friends from around the world.
2. I would like to leave feeling like I truly helped restore some normalcy of life to the Thai people who suffered last year’s tsunami.
3. I would like to have a lasting positive impact on at least 1 person.
4. I would like to learn a great deal about the Thai people and culture.
5. I would like to become a better person- more selfless giving, truly peaceful, friendly, etc.
6. I would like to grow spiritually.
7. I would like this experience to help me in determining a future career path.
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