Another Fun Day & Night in Khao Lak
I played guitar with Scotish Chris today, taught him how to change a string, and recorded him performing Wonderwall. The best recording, though, I must say was English Chris singing part of Under the Sea from the Disney classic, The Little Mermaid. He sang loud enough in the shower and the acoustics were great, so it’s a pretty good recording, and of course it’s hilarious.
Quiz night was moved to Jai’s, a better restaurant with quicker service and lower prices. I am amazed at the trivia a lot of people know about various topics, such as world culture, world geography, Thai culture and movies scenes.
A cochroach almost the size of the palm of my hand landed on me at Quiz night. Seth (old friend) tried to flick it off, but dug further into my pants and it started hissing when he missed. I begged someone to just grab it and take it away. I freaked out, but I guess it wasn’t as big of a show as I thought because no one noticed the noises I was making except the people sitting directly around me.
After Quiz night, I was going to go home and get some sleep, which I will probably think I should have done when I wake up tomorrow. However, I had a fun time playing fooseball with my talented Spanish partner, Joaquin. I am so glad to have the opportunity to practice speaking Spanish with him.
I got some email addresses tonight because I leave for a 10 day trip to Malaysia this Friday and a lot of the people I’ve met recently will be leaving before I return. I am so grateful to have met Trish, Dianne, Joaquin, Melissa, all the Chris’s, Ashleigh, Stuart, Kathy and Lara.

Left side: Joaquin, Me, Melissa. Right side: Ashleigh, Kathy, Chris
More pictures of these new friends to come…
Koura, you are quite the active blogger. Have you heard of nomadlife? ( You'll find a ton of blogs from other aiesecers there and you can even link your blog into it. I hope you're doing well, It's been a long time since I've seen or talked to anyone from the LC. Drop me a line if you have time. Let's get some communication going.
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